


MILENS is able to offer all of the following solutions; Transmission, IT & Network Infrastructure, Data Center, VoIP/PABX Telephony, Fiber Optic Cable Installation, Structural Cabling, Identification & Access Control, CCTV, FIDS (Fence Intrusion Detection), BIDS (Buried Intrusion Detection), Fire & Gas, HVAC, Security Risk Management, Cyber Security with world's well known successful supply companies and state of the art products. More...

Power Stations

MILENS is able to offer all of the following solutions; Transmission, IT & Network Infrastructure, Data Center, VoIP/PABX Telephony, Fiber Optic Cable Installation, Structural Cabling, Identification & Access Control, CCTV, FIDS (Fence Intrusion Detection), BIDS (Buried Intrusion Detection), Fire & Gas, HVAC, Security Risk Management, Cyber Security with world's well known successful supply companies and state of the art products. More...